If you use an ad blocker (ad-blocking software or browser extensions), and you’re trying to load the ABCmouse.com website in your browser but the content isn’t loading properly, we suggest that you “whitelist” ABCmouse (disable the blocking while on our domain). It is very easy to do this while you are on ABCmouse.com.
Here are simple instructions for several popular ad blockers. Note: You can typically find the ad blocker’s icon in the top right corner of your browser or just to the left of the site’s URL.
uBlock / uBlock Origin
- Click the uBlock or uBlock Origin icon.
- In the menu, click the blue power icon at the top of the pop-up to whitelist ABCmouse.com.
- Click your browser’s Reload button to load the ABCmouse website.
- Click the Ad Block icon.
- In the drop-down menu, click Don’t run on pages on this domain or Don’t run on pages on this domain.
- Click your browser’s Reload button to load the ABCmouse website.
Adblock Plus
- Click the Adblock Plus icon.
- Click Enabled on this site in the pop-up to disable ad blocking.
- In Firefox, click disable on ABCmouse.com to disable ad blocking.
- Click your browser’s Reload button to load the ABCmouse website.
- Click the Ghostery icon.
- In Ghostery versions < 6.0 Click Whitelist site.*
- In Ghostery version 7.0 click Trust site.*
- Click your browser’s Reload button to load the ABCmouse website.
* Note: Whitelisting terminology varies with different versions of the Ghostery program.
- Click the Disconnect icon.
- Click Whitelist site.
- Click your browser’s Reload button to load the ABCmouse website.