Issue: When a teacher goes to the Teacher Settings area, the screen is grayed out. It will not let the teacher click on the blue pencil icon for any of the Account Information, Change Password or Avatar sections.
Last Reported: March 23, 2022
Recommendation: We recommend following the steps below.
Account Information:
If your account was created on Clever, you would have to make all changes in their database. If you experience any difficulty, please visit for further assistance.
Change Password:
- If you forgot your password or need to reset it, please use the Forgot Password tool.
- Once you enter the email address associated with your ABCmouse account, we’ll send you a password reset email.
Teacher Avatar:
- Go to the Student Login page.
- Click your existing Avatar profile picture in the top left panel.
- Select My Work, located at the bottom of the window.
- Select one of the stock photos available.
- Select Avatar.
- Confirm your selection by clicking Yes.
How to Report This Issue
If you continue to experience this issue after following the recommendations listed above, please send your details to our Developer Team. It would be helpful for us if you could provide the following information:
- The computer or device you were using
- Your operating system
- Any actions you performed leading up to the issue
- Any other observations you think may be relevant
Just click or tap the Help icon below to let us know. We’ll update this page with any solutions or helpful hints.