Teachers can utilize Clever to access the ABCmouse website on their school's laptops or desktop computers.
Teacher Level
First, please make sure you are logged in to Clever as a Teacher and not as a District Admin.
To get started, please follow the steps below:
- Open Clever and search ABCmouse in the Clever library.
- Select the item labeled ABCmouse for Teachers to continue.
- Once installed, select ABCmouse and open the application.
If your Clever account is already associated with an ABCmouse Free Teacher account, you will automatically be logged in to ABCmouse.com/globalschools.
If this Clever account is not yet associated with an ABCmouse Free Teacher account, then you will land on the page below to either create a new account or merge into an existing account.
If you experience any difficulty, please visit https://support.clever.com/hc/en-us for further assistance.
District Admin Level
If you receive the message “pending approval”, you may have downloaded the incorrect app version for ABCmouse while using Clever. District Level Clever connections are only available for schools that purchase the Enterprise version of ABCmouse.
School Solutions
If you are interested in learning more about or purchasing Age of Learning School Solutions for your school/district, please fill out this form to get in touch with a product specialist who will explain your options and help you choose the right products for your organization.