Yes, personalized challenges is one way we are providing the best content for each individual user. Try out our new Pet Challenge!
Your child will see a selection of activities that has been recommended for them. The activities will rotate each time your child completes one out of the four recommended activities.
Where can I find the Pet Challenge?
Open the ABCmouse app on your tablet or mobile device. Select ABC Mouse in the bottom right corner of the screen to access the Pet Challenge.
How are the activities picked?
The system generates new recommendations based on the academic level your child has been placed on.
How does the meter bar fill up?
The meter bar is represented as a heart icon next the pet. Depending on the child's academic level, the meter bar will fill up at a different rate.
- For younger children, a small amount of activities must be completed in order to fill up a pet's meter bar to 100 percent. Kindergarten and below will have to complete 4 activities.
- For older children, a large amount of activities must be completed in order to fill up a pet's meter bar to 100 percent. First and second graders will have to complete 6 activities.
Why is the cat different from the one my child has purchased in the Pet Park?
Your child will receive a default pet to complete their Pet Challenge.
Are the Pet Emotions linked to the Pet Park Emotions?
No, we want to encourage your child to complete as many activities as possible.
What are the Pet Emotions?
The pet will go through several emotions, such as:
- Sad Face
- Neutral Face
- Happy Face
- Very Happy Face