If you are inquiring about charges from ABCmouse to your Cash App or are having trouble locating your account, please contact us by clicking on the Help icon in the lower-right corner of this page and do so via our automated Chat system.
To verify your account, please be prepared to provide:
- The email address used to sign up with ABCmouse (this may be different than your Cash App sign-in information).
- Your PayPal transaction ID OR the first 6 and last 4 digits of the debit or credit card used to fund your Cash App account.
At this time, we are unable to verify or locate ABCmouse subscriptions based on your Cash App information alone. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you need further assistance or believe there was an error with your charge, contact Cash App's customer support at 1-800-969-1940.
Please also note that:
- This is the only phone number customers can call for Cash App support.
- A Cash App representative will never ask you for your password, PIN, social security number or full debit card number.